I recently stumbled across a website/blog called www.thedisneydrivenlife.com, a site driven by people who feel the need to be near Disney. In one of the one-hour “webisodes” the 3 hosts chat with guests and each other about their experiences of “moving to Disney”, some having already made the trip, others in the planning stages, others still dreaming away.

This site was a great source of inspiration and motivation; there are other people out there who are just like me. It begins to boggle the mind when I think about how often I have visited Disneyland in California and assumed that every single guest was like me; visiting from another state or even country. How many of the thousands of people live less than 30 minutes away and can drive over for a few hours any time they want?
When I was in my early 20’s I was on a Disneyland vacation, and I remember sitting alone along the curb on Main Street saving a spot for my friends to sit and watch the parade that was scheduled to start in about 45 minutes. I think the parade that year was the Light Magic “Streetacular” (quick research shows that it was actually Summer 1997, when I was in my very late 20’s, not my early), a spectacle which was to replace the iconic Main Street Electrical Parade. A woman came up with her 8-year-old son and asked if there was room for them as well as my group. Of course I made room, and we struck up a conversation. She told me about how cute the show was. I asked her if it was the end of her visit to Disney (again, assuming that she had travelled here from some very long distance) and she said, “Oh, no. I live here. I just brought my son to see the show because he hasn’t seen it yet. I come 2 or 3 times a week.” She must have seen my eyes bugging out of my head before I got it back together and asked her what that was like, to be an annual pass holder. Her answer could not have better formed the foundation of my yet-to-be-formed “Move to Disney” philosophy. She replied, “I love it. Sometimes I will come and sit on a bench for lunch and then go home to pick up my son from school, or we will come in the evening, just to see the parade.” Can you imagine having the opportunity to just drop by the happiest place on earth just for lunch or to see a show?!? I want that life.
Comments are welcome. Positive feedback encouraged!
Mouseketeer Ken
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