No, we didn't get hired on at Disney... just found this and we thought it would be of interest to some fans! - Ken and Mark
Standard Operating Procedure Book
The Haunted Mansion
DIVISION: Productions 950
DEPARTMENT: N.O. / Bear Co. 951
SUBMITTED BY: Joe Pittaluga, Ken Fujimura
The Haunted Mansion
DIVISION: Productions 950
DEPARTMENT: N.O. / Bear Co. 951
SUBMITTED BY: Joe Pittaluga, Ken Fujimura
X: LOAD #2
X: LOAD #2
Construction on the exterior of the Mansion was completed in 1963.
In style, it is Antebellum Southern, themed to its location on the Rivers of
America in the New Orleans area. Since its completion, Disneyland has been
inviting ghosts from all over this world, and the next, to move in for
"active retirement."
Latest population figures show that there are 999 residents at
home in the Haunted Mansion, and they are always looking for #1,000 which might
be any volunteer brave enough to enter. Ghost residents are a potpourri of
supernatural, occult, psychic, and historical types, ranging from Egyptian and
Roman, to Napoleonic and Dickens era. There is also an assortment of fluttering
bats, talking ravens, screaming banshees, owls, cats, and baying hounds.
The Ghost Host is head man of the Mansion's skeleton crew. His
mysterious voice accompanies guests throughout the adventure. The ride-through
of the Mansion's labyrinth of cobwebbed-filled halls, pitch-black corridors,
and deathly-cold rooms is made by means of two-passenger carriages of the
continuously moving Omnimover WED-way Transportation System. Each of the 131
cars is capable of 180 degree turns, both left and right, and are
pre-programmed to turn in the direction of visible and invisible sights and
toward the sources of unearthly sounds.
The Haunted Mansion has been in the planning stage for more than
ten years, since Walt Disney first assigned his staff to research supernatural
phenomenon and "haunted" places. "We'll keep up the grounds and
things outside," Walt said, "and the ghosts can take care of the inside."
The Haunted Mansion is the eighth Disneyland attraction to utilize
the Disney-developed "Audio-Animatronics" system that combines
three-dimensional animation and sound through the use of electronics. It brings
the ghosts "to life." Many new techniques in sound and
"illusioning" have been developed by WED Enterprises and its
subsidiary, MAPO, Inc. for use in the Haunted Mansion to make ghosts appear and
disappear at will, to make marble statues "talk", and to enable both
the ghosts and the furniture to "float" around and through the
Mansion's rooms.
1. Opening Date - August 9, 1969
2. Cost: $7 million. It is Disneyland's fifty-third major
attraction and brings the capital investment in the Park in 1969 to $126
3. Capacity A. 2,618 guests per hour (based on loading) B. Two
guests in every car, every 3 seconds (cars are spaced every 6.0 feet with cars
travelling at a speed of 2 feet a second (1.364 miles per hour).
4. Cycle Time: (Cars from one point back to that point again)
Average 6 min.
5. Guests per minute: 41.38.
6. Length of the track: 786 feet.
7. Number of carriages: 131.
8. Power: Ten 7 1/2 horse power drive units.
9. Waiting times (based on 100% operation)
A. Main Gate: 5 minutes.
B. First Queue: 10 minutes.
C. Second Queue: 18 minutes.
D. Third Queue: 30 minutes.
E. CC #2: 50 minutes.
B. First Queue: 10 minutes.
C. Second Queue: 18 minutes.
D. Third Queue: 30 minutes.
E. CC #2: 50 minutes.
10. Elevators (Intervals of complete descent/ascent cycle:)
A. Close door - 7.5 seconds.
B. Descent - 104 seconds (light load).
C. Open door - 7.0 seconds.
D. Ascent 25 seconds.
E. Open door - 7.5 seconds.
TOTAL: 151 seconds approximately. Varies with size of load.
B. Descent - 104 seconds (light load).
C. Open door - 7.0 seconds.
D. Ascent 25 seconds.
E. Open door - 7.5 seconds.
TOTAL: 151 seconds approximately. Varies with size of load.
11. Unload belt speed 25 seconds for length of 30 feet 6 inches.
12. Load and unload belt is 63% of the speed of the entire system
1. Picture Gallery: An eerie-lit setting without doors or windows
where paintings seems to "stretch" and guests are shown "the
coward's way out."
2. Corridor of Haunted Portraits: Where each lightning flash
"ages" and changes portraits from what they seem to be to what they
really are.
3. Endless Hallway: A misty passageway that beckons guests to
enter, but offers no end.
4. Conservatory: Inside, a casket sits amidst the cobwebs in a
room cluttered with plants and flowers -- all deceased. Outside the broken
glass window an eerie landscape is shrouded in fog.
5. Corridor of Doors: A chill hangs silently in the air, and then
suddenly, the frightful sounds of unseen figures.
6. Clock Hall: A grandfather gargoyle clock solemnly tolls the
hour -- always "13:00".
7. Seance Circle: The spirits respond as Madam Liotta chants
incantations in her crystal ball.
8. Grand Hall: Where a birthday party is taking place around the
long, dusty dining room table. The "Ghostess" has invited many of her
friends of the spirit world to share her birthday cake, to dance and play as
ghosts of many periods in history appear and disappear as the pipe organ sounds
a merry waltz.
9. Attic: Where the sound of a beating heart echoes through a
musty room filled with monstrous memories.
10. Graveyard: The private park and playground of the spooks who
inhabit the Haunted Mansion, where crypt doors creak and tombstones quake as
the spirits join in to sing "Grim Grinning Ghosts". While medieval
minstrels play, a Victorian-era King and Queen balance a teeter-totter on a
gravestone... marble busts suddenly come to life to join the chorus... playful
spirits ride their bicycles around and around the tombstones... a headless
knight sings... and picnicking ghosts raise their glasses in toast to one
another and the wonderful fun they're having.
11. Crypt: A somber setting where in contrast, a trio of happy
hitchhikers grin ghoulishly as they seek a way out... preferably the seat right
next to you.
1. Crowd control duties are three-fold:
A. Crowd Control -- Open crowd control areas as needed. Keep the
lines moving at all times, to prevent "cutting" in line and keep
guests off the grass and direct guests with wheelchairs to porch, (VIP door),
and strollers to the proper parking area. (Refer to wheelchair policy).
B. Trash Control -- Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed past the main gate. Put all popcorn left at the gate in the trash receptacles.
C. Public Relations -- Learn the location of snack bars, restaurants, restrooms, water fountains, and attractions in the immediate area. Answer all questions as accurately and pleasantly as possible.
B. Trash Control -- Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed past the main gate. Put all popcorn left at the gate in the trash receptacles.
C. Public Relations -- Learn the location of snack bars, restaurants, restrooms, water fountains, and attractions in the immediate area. Answer all questions as accurately and pleasantly as possible.
2. Position: On wall at the gate if CC #1 is open. If queue is
inside the gate, please stand on the ground.
3. Dress Variation:
A. In hot weather males may substitute a long vest for the coat,
at direction of foremen.
B. In cold weather, females may wear a black Disneyland sweater.
C. Non-reflective (non mirrored type) dark glasses may be worn.
B. In cold weather, females may wear a black Disneyland sweater.
C. Non-reflective (non mirrored type) dark glasses may be worn.
1. This position also handles guest questions, also strollers and
wheelchair positioning.
2. When needed, open the crowd control section of the pathway near
the railway station.
3. Call foreman about any unusual situations or major problems by
using the raft dock phone.
1. Ticket Taking
A. One "E" coupon or the equivalent should be received
from each person over the age of three. (No combination of tickets).
B. Tickets are to be torn in half and placed in the ticket box.
C. Care should be taken to insure the turning of the turnstile for each ticket holder.
B. Tickets are to be torn in half and placed in the ticket box.
C. Care should be taken to insure the turning of the turnstile for each ticket holder.
2. Admit as many guests as necessary to keep the porch full.
3. All tickets purchased from the Central Ticket Booth should be
registered on the CBT meter located on the ticket box.
4. Courtesy tickets involve the following types:
A. White ticket with pink keys.
B. Re-admission tickets.
B. Re-admission tickets.
5. Count as courtesies:
A. All members of parties awarded entrance by supervision (any
blue I.D. card)
B. All tour guide VIP hostesses.
B. All tour guide VIP hostesses.
6. Parties awarded back door clearance must have clearance by area
supervision or be accompanied by a VIP hostess with a back door clearance card
from City Hall.
7. Dress variation
A. Long vest may be substituted for the coat in hot weather
(males) (At direction of foreman)
B. A black Disneyland sweater may be worn in cold weather (women) (At direction of foreman)
B. A black Disneyland sweater may be worn in cold weather (women) (At direction of foreman)
8. In a slower period of time the porch turnstile should be used
and the turnstile operator will also act as the Foyer Operator.
9. Please ask all guests to refrain from smoking inside the
attraction. (All food and beverages should be finished before entering).
1. The operator should allow entrance to groups of approximately
70-85 guests. A group this size will comfortably fill the foyer with the
corners empty. Operators should be alert to calls from the elevator operators
and/or load operators with regard to the length of the line in the hall. A
light load consists of approximately 30 guests.
2. When running one ER only, operators should motion guests from
turnstile to mansion entrance. A full group should be inside foyer with the
doors closed before the start of the foyer spiel.
3. To insure a good beginning to the tour, care should be taken to
close the foyer doors. They should not be reopened until the elevator doors are
4. Operators should encourage the gusts to "Step to the right
please, fill the entire room."
5. Guests should be requested to proceed to the far wall without
forming lines. Operators should check to see that gaps and spaces are
eliminated in the foyer.
6. Operators should be notified of parties entering through the VIP
door. A friendly greeting will always be appreciated. Also foyer operator
should notify turnstile operator of party, to be properly recorded.
7. Any guest needing assistance in exiting from the foyer should
be accompanied by the foyer operator through the VIP door and out the CC2 gate.
Tickets are obtained from the turnstile.
8. Male operators are required to wear coats at all times,
whenever on stage.
The Expanding Rooms carry the guests from the foyer to the hallway
-- approximately fifteen feet underground. This is done by two hydraulic
elevators capable of carrying approximately 80 people -- down only.
1. While loading guests into the Expanding Rooms, the spiel in the
ER's will state: "Welcome foolish mortals... mortal state." At this
time the operator will stand in front of the switch panel asking guests to
"Please step forward toward the center of the gallery." NEVER start
to descend until the load spiel is finished!
2. The spiel will begin upon descent, "Your cadaverous
pallor... of course there's always my way." When the room turns dark at
the bottom, the operator can move forward toward the doors and guide guests out
when the doors open.
3. When running two ER's, start your ascent on the words
"your imagination," (otherwise start up when all guests have exited
your ER.)
4. When one Expanding Room is operating it is not necessary to
wait for a signal to start the ascent. As soon as guests leave the gallery, it
is all right to ascend, but only when one Expanding Room is operating and the
other is parked.
5. If mechanical difficulties arise, ie., doors won't open or
close, call the foreman who should then check the situation to see if
maintenance assistance is required. If the doors do not open, call for foreman.
Flip the emergency switch to off. Remain calm and tell the guests there is a
mechanical difficulty and that it won't be long. It is very important to be
courteous and calm during the breakdown so the guests will not worry. If guests
are in the room very long, it is a good policy to give out re-admission tickets
for their inconvenience.
6. Under no circumstances take an elevator back up with a capacity
load. If the doors won't open, do not ascend. The elevator oil lines will
burst. The only time that the Expanding Room will ascend with guests will be in
emergency situations, and the weight limit will be 2,000 pounds, no more than
10-12 people. The descending limit will be 12,000 pounds.
7. When we are in a slower period of time and only one Expanding
Room is being used, the Expanding Room should be rotated on a day to day basis.
The Expanding Room operator is responsible for keeping the foyer operator
informed of the condition of the hall as to whether lighter or heavier loads
are required. The hall should remain filled to a point approximately ten feet
back from the bend in the hall (not ten feet from the ER doors).
8. During slow periods and operating in early morning, the
operator will walk the guests from the ER to load belt. Put the elevator switch
in the stop position when doing so.
9. If Expanding Room is occupied, do not leave it unattended
unless it is an extreme emergency.
1. Operators should stand off the load belt facing the cars or be
walking the load belt facing the guests and directing the guests into the cars.
NOTE: Do not lean on wall.
2. The cars will accommodate two adults and a third person if that
individual is small (which is left to the operator's discretion). Whenever
possible keep family groups together. There should NEVER be four adults in one
3. The load #1 operator will maintain flow-control on load belt at
ALL times and assist the guests by POINTING to the car each group will take and
verbally instruct each group to "Watch your step." "Two or three
to a car please."
4. The operator should be especially solicitous to the elderly and
lame. He should assist them in their initial step onto the load belt by
stepping out with them and offering physical support.
5. Do not load defective cars. They will be marked with a strip of
white tape.
6. When the system is down, the operator should remain in his
position. His chief function is to keep the belt clear until the ride resumes
1. The operator at load #2 has several functions.
A. Assist guests into cars if needed.
B. Insure that all guests get safely into cars and insure that clamshells close.
C. Emergency stop the Omnimover system if needed. Activate emergency spiel.
D. Handle wheelchairs in absence of the foreman.
E. Regroup guests if traffic on the load belt gets disorganized.
F. Restart Omnimover system on all clear signal from foreman.
B. Insure that all guests get safely into cars and insure that clamshells close.
C. Emergency stop the Omnimover system if needed. Activate emergency spiel.
D. Handle wheelchairs in absence of the foreman.
E. Regroup guests if traffic on the load belt gets disorganized.
F. Restart Omnimover system on all clear signal from foreman.
2. Load #2 operator will carry the "remote" and a
3. The load #2 operator will walk the load belt directly across
from the control console. NOTE: Please maintain this position unless assistance
is required by load #1. Unload #2 operator, under normal circumstances, should
not be closer to load #1 than the console.
4. In the event of an emergency stop situation, the load #2
operator will first push the emergency spiel button. Then assist guests into
cars and clear the load belt. When the load belt is clear he will pick up the
"hot line" intercom and obtain an "all clear" from unloader
before restarting the system. He must also notify the unloader of any guests
who may need assistance exiting from cars.
5. If a guest chooses not to ride, escort him to exit via door #2
and call turnstile for a ticket.
6. Always be ready to activate the emergency stop
"remote" control if needed. But if a guest cannot enter the car
before the end of the belt, take him back for another try without stopping the
1. The unload operator is responsible for getting all guests out
of the cars safely.
2. The unloader should position himself, walking the unload belt,
so that all guests exit the cars in front of him before the end of the unload
3. The unloader is to assist all guests having problems exiting
4. The unloader will, at all times, carry a "remote"
control device.
5. Inform all guests wearing long maxi-type dresses to raise them
slightly over comb plates on unload belt and upramp.
6. Check upramp periodically to see if upramp is running correctly
-- if off, wait until ramp is clear of guests to re-start. NOTE: Ramp should
engage and start with one turn of key -- If this fails notify foreman and do
not re-start.
7. In the event of an emergency stop, the unloader will clear his
unload belt and inform the loader that "all is clear."
1. The function of the utility operator is to maintain order in
the attraction.
A. To correct unruly guests.
B. Maintain watch of animation and any potential hazards.
B. Maintain watch of animation and any potential hazards.
2. Operator should have a flashlight at all times.
3. Stay out of guests' view as much as possible so as not to spoil
the show.
4. Cover the following positions (roving).
A. Entrance to Grand Hall.
B. End of Grand Hall.
C. Entrance to graveyard (door #5).
B. End of Grand Hall.
C. Entrance to graveyard (door #5).
5. If a guest is caught causing damage escort him to the foreman
who will notify security.
6. If a guest is smoking ask him to please extinguish it.
7. When the Omnimover system is stopped, watch for guests climbing
out of cars or destroying sets.
8. If any illegal drug is found or a guest is using any such drug,
notify foreman. Do not take drugs, etc., from guest, but notify security.
9. Due to long dresses, female operators will not be stationed in
utility position while attraction is operating.
10. Operators will cross between moving cars only if it is
absolutely necessary and only where the cars are moving in the same direction.
11. If a guest is found out of a car, do not put him back in the
car; walk him to service via the service access hallway. NOTE: Be careful of
crossing between moving cars and of guests with malicious intent. And do not
step on safety plates.
1. Intercom stations are located in the following areas:
A. Turnstile
B. Foyer
C. Expanding Rooms
D. Hall
E. Load
F. Unload
G. Service
H. Mechanical: Maintenance, Ballroom
I. Sound Room (Pirates)
J. Bottom of Elevator and 4 exits
B. Foyer
C. Expanding Rooms
D. Hall
E. Load
F. Unload
G. Service
H. Mechanical: Maintenance, Ballroom
I. Sound Room (Pirates)
J. Bottom of Elevator and 4 exits
2. Operation of intercom:
A. Depress the button or switch located on the telephone handle
for transmission.
B. Push the button designating the desired station and wait for a response.
C. The person answering will identify the area and his first name.
D. The person calling should then identify his area and his first name before relaying the message.
B. Push the button designating the desired station and wait for a response.
C. The person answering will identify the area and his first name.
D. The person calling should then identify his area and his first name before relaying the message.
3. P-Line is a direct line between load and unload.
4. Inter-Disneyland telephone system:
A. Location of phones are: Mechanical Maintenance, Service, and
Electrical Maintenance.
B. When answering the phone, state "Haunted Mansion" followed by your first name.
C. Relay messages as soon as possible and use this phone for business purposes only.
B. When answering the phone, state "Haunted Mansion" followed by your first name.
C. Relay messages as soon as possible and use this phone for business purposes only.
5. Emergency Public Address System: Messages conveyed over this
system are heard throughout the Mansion and this system is used for EMERGENCIES
AND RE-OPENING PROCEDURES ONLY. Depression of both the button on the P.A.
microphone and the button on the conole is necessary for transmission. The
following message will be transmitted ONLY if the automatic spiel does not
work: "Please remain seated, your cars will be moving momentarily."
Foreman must be present for any exiting (evacuation) procedure. If
evacuation is deemed necessary:
1. Stop elevators.
2. Notify tickets -- foyer, notify Communications (555). Specify to
Communications if (evacuating) or clearing.
3. In case of fire Omnimover system should not be stopped, unless
fire is in path of the cars.
4. Foreman should be stationed in service during evacuation.
5. All operators should remain in position until notified
6. Total re-ad tickets necessary -- 1000.
A. 250 to foyer operator.
B. 500 to door #2.
C. 250 to unload.
B. 500 to door #2.
C. 250 to unload.
7. When returning from a break during exiting, report to the
foreman on the load belt to receive an assignment.
8. Doors #3, #4, and #5 are to be used ONLY in extreme
9. An exact count should be made of re-ads at the finish.
10. If an ambulance is needed, it will come to the back door
nearest the injured party. This information should be conveyed to First Aid
when calling for an ambulance. NOTE: Use door #3 or #4 if possible due to the
fact that there are no stairs.
11. If the attraction will be down for an extended period of time,
notify ticket booths CB#2 ext. 771, CB#1 ext. 170, and Pirates of the Caribbean
ext. 761.
12. System will be restarted only after appropriate announcements
are made and with all personnel clear of systems. A foreman will restart system
1. Wheelchairs can be accommodated on the attraction provided
A. They can be folded.
B. They are not battery operated.
C. They are not a bed type carriage.
B. They are not battery operated.
C. They are not a bed type carriage.
2. The CC #1 operator should determine whether or not the
wheelchair can be accommodated. If not, he should suggest the guest change into
one of the Disneyland chairs provided on the attraction. In the absence of a CC
#1 position this duty falls to the turnstile operator.
3. The operator will advise the guest that he must get out of the
wheelchair and into a carriage. Any guest desiring to ride who can get into a
collapsible wheelchair will be admitted onto the attraction.
4. The wheelchairs should be stopped before entering queue area
and directed to the VIP door.
5. The foyer operator will notify load #2 that there is a wheel-
chair approaching the load area.
6. At load belt load #1 will allow three empty cars to pass, then
stop the system. Load the wheelchair guest in the third car (this will allow
the unloader room and time to help the guest out of the car). Then load the
guest's party behind him.
7. The empty (folded) wheelchair will be taken to unload by the
foreman. In the absence of the foreman the load #2 operator will take the
wheelchair to unload. NOTE: The system will not be restarted until the
wheelchair reaches unload.
1. Do not stop system unless fire is directly in path of cars.
2. Notify fire department, extension XXX, and central
communications extension XXX, Code XXX.
3. Clear attraction of all guests as quickly as possible, without
mentioning fire.
4. Use doors #3, 4, 5, in extreme emergencies.
5. Note location of all fire equipment.
A. Extinguishers at each exit door.
B. In broom closet behind foyer.
C. Service.
D. Service access corridor.
E. Mechanical maintenance and Sound rooms, and Utility #2 and Electric Room.
B. In broom closet behind foyer.
C. Service.
D. Service access corridor.
E. Mechanical maintenance and Sound rooms, and Utility #2 and Electric Room.
6. Fire hoses: Located at Doors 2, 5, and six, below turntable, at
the Ballroom access door-hallway, and the foyer.
1. Safety is the most important thing we can offer our guests.
NEVER sacrifice it for any reason. Report immediately to your foreman all
safety hazards that come to your attention.
2. Courtesy is what our guests will take home -- a lasting
3. Capacity will increase our guests' fun time.
4. Cleanliness is a Disneyland Trademark. Do your part to preserve
our reputation.
5. Please maintain wardrobe standards at all times; clean costume,
proper grooming, etc.
6. Never leave your position unless properly relieved or in case
of emergency.
7. BE ON TIME! This means for the beginning of your shift and also
when returning from your breaks and lunch.
8. Breaks should not be taken during the first or last hour of
your shift. Breaks are fifteen (15) minutes and lunch is thirty (30) minutes.
9. Always call a supervisor as far in advance as possible, if you
will be late or unable to work your scheduled shift.
10. Always bring your timecard to the attraction and handle it
11. A proper name tag will be worn at all times on outer garment.
12. Operators should never be standing in position talking. They
cannot be doing their job properly.
13. Operator safety is also critical. Please do not jeopardize
yourself or fellow operators by horseplay, etc., or allowing unsafe conditions
to pass unnoticed.
14. Operators are not to cross between cars while Omnimover system
is operating.
Opening Procedure:
1. Obtains keys and remotes from area office.
2. Replace queue line chains.
3. Take count.
4. Enter foyer -- check location of ERs (bring down either or both
rooms if necessary.
5. Turn both "car" work light switches off.
6. Check ER shafts for oil, debris, etc.
7. Check pump room for readiness.
8. Check beneath upramp for readiness.
9. Go to door #7. Make sure the ramp exit doors are open.
10. Give the five-minute countdown spiel over P.A. system located
at the load belt. Be sure to push the "sound defeat" button so that
your warning may be heard throughout the entire attraction.
11. Walk through attraction show area (secure all exit and scene
12. Give system start spiel and start it up, or check with
maintenance man if present.
13. Check remotes.
14. Turn on air conditioning.
15. Assign operators to positions and rotations.
Closing Procedure:
1. The last Expanding Room goes down at the hour of closing (not
2. One operator will follow the last group through the entire
3. Turn working lights on when last guest is off upramp.
4. Shut down the system of cars and belts (3) and shut down drive
5. Terminate paperwork.
6. Clear the attraction of all operators.
7. Leave both Expanding Rooms open with switches off in the down
position, and leave both ER's in park.
8. Take remotes and keys to area office.
9. Call Sound and notify them that the Mansion is closed.
10. Call Communications and inform them that the attraction is
closed and clear through exit.
11. Place ticket bag outside the VIP gate and close the gate.
12. All lost articles are to be taken to Lost and Found, at the
end of any operator's shift.
13. Accident reports are to be turned in directly to a Supervisor
or left in his mail box. (In case of any incident, the foreman will notify
14. Turn off air conditioning.

End -
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