Sunday, January 27, 2013

Focus and Balance °o° *•._.•* ‘ *•._.•* °o°

This blog has been on my mind almost daily since I put it on a fall hiatus. I discovered that I was writing too long before the move to keep the subject of my postings related to relocation, and too many entries were veering off into other subjects.  They were all Disney related, but they did not serve the core reason for the blog.  Once Mark and I have settled into our “Florida Compound” and have started to get to know the area, I plan on changing the direction of the blog, but before the move, I want to keep the focus with fewer off shoots into other subjects.  I think we are now at a point in the timeline that I can start up again, but don’t worry if I still occasionally veer off into other directions just for the fun of it (alright, I’ll admit that Mark and I have a few non-relocation blog postings already in mind). Among other things that are simmering on the burners are these thoughts:

·       Boy, I can’t wait to get my hands on some of the home-improvement and furniture refinishing jobs that I have planned.  I have started some of them, and I’m itching to dive back in again so that we can make the house as re-sellable as possible. 

·         I am also an artist, and now that the overtime at work has ended, it is a personal requirement to get back to my art.  All of this is about balance, and not tipping the scales with any one project so that it becomes a detriment to other tasks that also need attention.  My first project is a pen and ink Mickey head silhouette that will be embellished with a swirly design and mounted in 3D, in a shadow box. I’m planning on a series of them.

·         Oh yes, the damned rummage sale…  This thing really needs to be a priority. I have 13 years in the house we live in now, and it feels like I never threw anything away in that 13 years. I have completed a sifting of the first layer and it’s enough to fill the back porch, and about 15 bins. We’ve been going out to work on pricing everything for a few hours each weekend, but I keep finding more to drag out. Sometimes I look at it all and I just don’t know where to start. Where the hell did I get that accordion?!?!

·         I’m also focusing more attention on my on-line bookstore through  Last week, I mentioned that we spent a few hours digging through Goodwill bins for games to sell and we made a great haul. I’ve made the first sale from that batch of games today; The Game Of Preferences for $38.99, plus shipping. I see that as $39 bucks more towards the Move to Disney fund!  Oh, and as an aside, that $39 dollars covers the entire cost of last week's Goodwill haul, gas included; all other game sales from that haul are pure profit.

Please help keep up the blog-o-sphere morale by commenting every now and then, even on old posts; knowing that people are out there reading (or even FOLLOWING the blog-hint hint) is really a great confidence boost!


Comments are welcome. Positive feedback encouraged!
Mouseketeer Ken
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Making Money to Move to Disney World °o° *•._.•* ‘ *•._.•* °o°

We are still socking away money for the move to Disney. To make additional money on the side, I sell books, games and puzzles on Last weekend was a 50% off day at Goodwill, so Mark and I made a trip to 7 different stores and came back with the 21 items you see pictured here.

The great part about our haul is that we were able to scan all of the UPS numbers with our smart phones to check the value on, so that we could pass on items that were not worth spending the money on.  Some items here were for sale for $100 or more!

After 3 days of sorting, part-counting, cleaning and listing, all of them are available for sale and the grand total for all 21 gems is $950!  Even if I sold only one quarter of the haul, I would still have profited by more than $200!  I currently have 700 books and 50 games/puzzles/toys for sale, for which all profit goes right into savings for the Disney Move. Everything not sold by the time we move will be donated back to Goodwill, unless we find the room in the moving truck to keep a few things. Those books are heavy!

Go ahead, take a guess: (click on the photo to see it larger) Which game out of the ones you see here do you think is the most valuable? Comment below!

Comments are welcome. Positive feedback encouraged!

Mouseketeer Ken

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